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Hey! Are you looking at us because you are interested in participating in Skillbridge?
Click on the cute kitty for more information!
We've been staying busy!
We've completed over 868 TNR surgeries this year as of December 21, 2024!!
We have too many kitties!!
Sometimes TNR efforts don't go as planned, and we have to keep a kitty a little longer than just overnight after surgery, and then it isn't safe for them to be returned to their colony. They aren't exactly cuddly and friendly either. So, we need barns and outbuildings where they can reside. If you know any place like this, please contact us!

We are proud partners with PetcoLove and PetcoLoveLost!
We are so grateful for the lifesaving investments annually:
2024 - $20,000
2023 - $25,000
2022 - $20,000
2021 - $12,000
2020 - $6,000
Your patronage at Petco and donations at the register make these grants possible!
Rescue Spay/Neuter TNR Assist Educate Co-operate
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